
Don't waste more
time and resources.

Scout talents through our wide
pool of candidates and find the
best matches for your company.

Our data driven platform provides qualified talents
and ensures that you hire the best fit. Look no
further and subscribe to the ultimate solution for
streamlining your recruitment process.


profiles and


Join our platform to
explore opportunities,
showcase your skills
and connect with
potential employers.

Our resources and tools will help you improve your job search,
interview tips, career advice and provide networking opportunities.
Craft your profile that highlights your core competences and
search through Source2x job board to find your dream job.



Our data driven platform provides qualified talents


Our data driven platform provides qualified talents

Consumer Business

Our data driven platform provides qualified talents


Our data driven platform provides qualified talents

Energy and Resources

Our data driven platform provides qualified talents

Job Board

Create job board to attract specific audience that meets your requirements.

Track Application

Track applications through our automated tools, select the best fit candidates and generate dynamic reports without hustle.


Through 16 thousands profiles of professionals based on Skills, Industry and Sector expertise, Compentencies and Technical Qualification.


Get your workforce insights based on industry/sector, market trends and best practices benchmarks.


Source2x provides key features to help you attract top talent, including a Job Board, Track Application, Source, and Insights.

With our Job Board feature, you can post your job vacancies and attract potential candidates from a broad pool of job seekers.

Our Track Application feature enables you to manage your recruitment process efficiently, providing a seamless and transparent experience for candidates.

Our Source feature allows you to find potential candidates through 16 thousand profiles of professionals based on Skills, Industry and Sector expertise, Competencies and Technical Qualification.

And our Insights feature provides data-driven insights into your recruitment process, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize your recruitment strategy.

Our platform is easy to use and customizable to your specific needs. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, we have the tools to help you find the talent you need to succeed. So why wait? Sign up today and start attracting top talent to your company!

A solution for every recruitment challenge

Access to top talent, streamline the recruitment process, cost-effective, data-driven insights and unique candidate experience.

About Us

Welcome to Source2x powered by Talent Management Services, a cutting-edge recruitment platform designed to revolutionize the way businesses find and attract top talent.

At Talent Management Services, we understand the challenges businesses face in today’s fast-paced and competitive job market. Finding the right talent for your organization is no easy feat, especially in the wake of the pandemic and the changing dynamics of the global workforce.

That’s why we’ve developed a data-driven, skills-based approach to recruitment that helps businesses identify and connect with the most qualified candidates for their roles. Source2x leverages the latest in data analytics and artificial intelligence to match businesses with candidates who possess the skills, experience, and cultural fit necessary for success.

Our team of experienced HR consultants has worked with businesses of all sizes and industries, providing them with tailored solutions to meet their specific hiring needs. We believe that by combining cutting-edge technology with a human touch, we can help businesses build a stronger, more diverse, and more effective workforce.

Whether you’re looking to fill a single role or build a comprehensive talent management strategy, Source2x is here to help. Request a demo and contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organization find the right talent to succeed in today’s dynamic business landscape.


How does the Source feature work, and how can it help me find qualified candidates?

The Source feature uses a variety of channels, such as job boards, social media, and referrals, to find potential candidates for your job vacancies. You can set up filters to screen candidates based on specific criteria, such as education level, work experience, or skills. By using multiple channels to source candidates, you can increase your visibility to the talent pool and find qualified candidates more efficiently.

Can I customize the recruitment process to fit my company’s needs?

Yes, our platform is customizable to fit your company’s specific needs. You can set up filters to screen candidates based on specific criteria, assign tasks to team members, and customize the job board to match your company’s branding. Our platform is designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet the unique needs of your organization.

How does the Insights feature provide data-driven insights into my recruitment process?

The Insights feature tracks various recruitment metrics, such as the number of applicants, time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and source of hire, to provide data-driven insights into your recruitment process. You can use this data to identify areas for improvement, such as adjusting your sourcing channels or streamlining your hiring process, to optimize your recruitment strategy.

Can I communicate with candidates directly through the platform?

At this moment we don’t support direct messages.

How secure is your platform, and how do you protect candidate data?

We take data security seriously and have implemented various measures to protect candidate data. Our platform is encrypted, and we use multi-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access the platform. We also comply with data privacy laws, such as GDPR to protect candidate data and ensure that it is used only for its intended purpose.